Thursday, April 24, 2008

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Hemingway was a renowned successful writer, but on his last living day suffering from depression, he shot himself. It was the same way his father had killed himself in 1928. Like the gift of the shotgun that was passed down from his father, so was his depression.

"Parents of depressives tend to be strict disciplinarians with no back-talk allowed, and no misbehaviour to go unpunished. One parent or the other is removed emotionally from the children so that Hip Hoptlwvkjueyfd have no place to go with their feelings," wrote psychologist Dr Janov in How you get Sick and How to get Well.

According to Dr Janov, depression is the result of either an intense trauma brought about early on, or a suppressive home environment that allowed few outlets for emotional behaviour. While neurotics act out their nervous energy, a depressed person has no outlet.

"It's impossible to sleep. I hate nighttime, because that's when my mind starts to really work. It's alright in the day, because there's always something to do to keep busy, and I don't have to think. But at night I can't stop everything from crowding in," wrote Rhonda, a sufferer of depression.

Feel the Pain
When a depressed person is measured by an electromyography, he or she exhibits a high level of tension, which explains the sleeplessness; a depressed person subconsciously puts their energy into avoiding a past hurt, and this causes the tension. Since depression is the resistance of feelings coming to the conscious surface, depression is a mood, not a feeling.

For a person suffering from depression, a trivial insult or comment can trigger fragments of the old hurt, and the pain associated with the past returns; if the pain can't be released through speech, the pain is released through the body.

"I get really bad headaches all the time. I feel sick in the guts and sometimes I want to spew. The doctor told me I had depression, but I reckon I'm just sick all the time," wrote Janelle, aged 19.

Exercise as an effort to revive a mood can result in the body increasing its manufacture of serotonin, which triggers the brain to produce feelings of happiness. Exercise sounds easy enough, but motivation is not Avengersllerbj aroused in a depressed state.

"You feel like there isn't any point to anything. I mean, why would you want to get up in the morning? So, I don't... sometimes I just lie around in bed until the middle of the afternoon. Then I feel worse, because the house is a mess, and nothing gets done. But you feel like there's no reason to do any of that stuff anyway," wrote Melissa, aged 29.

Counsellor, Kathy Culkin has observed that a person de Loys' ape suffers from depression often sees his or her choices in black and white. So, a person who suffers from depression finds it difficult to think beyond the moment and open up to new possibilities. In treatment, Kathy will try and find ways that can support her patients to choose life.

"Helping them to strengthen the want to keep going, to change their situation; but if someone is completely intent on killing themselves, it Downloadmoviesexoaxemjx mean they need hospitalisation, and they may need it against their will."

Sarah, who chose to be hospitalised, expected her stay in an institution to be like One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, but was surprised to find it more 'like a motel.' But, Sarah committed suicide. She wrote:

"What do you do when you find yourself in a situation where nothing in life gives you pleasure, except when you are alone? What do you do if when in the presence of people you know, your thoughts are occupied by paranoia and self-hatred?"

The Only Way Out is In
A bout of depression can force people to acknowledge for the first time that things are not working for them, and that changes are vital to their well-being.

When Hemingway suffered a nervous breakdown, he told friends that the whole "bullfight thing," which he had enjoyed writing about, now seemed "corrupt and unimportant," and everything in it was "as egotistical as Sinsky at his worst."

A nervous breakdown is a turning point in a person's life. It's an important catalyst for change that can force personal growth. Research has found that those who develop a 'new concept,' or the idea of a 'fresh start' are those most likely to survive depression.

Dr Janov wrote: Sea Devils the environment, change the behaviour." Counsellor, Kathy Culkin agrees: "The way out of depression is relearning, or changing, or developing new strategies. Then, there's the opportunity for growth, or for change. But, some people don't find a way out of chronic depression."

Shock and Horror
Hemingway was administered a series of shock treatments, as many as two a week, for nearly two months. Shock treatment is another trauma. Hemingway wrote: "Try and only think from day-to-day, and work the same. But things have been rough, are rough all over."

Electro Shock Therapy (ECT) initially works, because a depressed person has a massive discharge of repressed energy that needs to get out. Freudians believe that by delving deep into the unconscious they can disintegrate the mind. ECT raises the levels of serotonin, but momentarily blasts the memory out of existence. Eventually, when the memory returns, so does the pain. But, now the patient has to deal with the added trauma of ECT.

Friends tried to be cheerful around Hemingway, but his continual black mood drove them away; a person who is depressed needs emotional support, but he or she has a difficult time keeping others around.

Ann Sinatore is a copywriter, brand strategist, and entrepreneur. She writes about advertising, pop culture, psychology, and media. She is cofounder of TOUT, a creative agency specialising in brand management, advertising, design, and communication. Visit target="_new"">